
Mexican Cross

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The mexican cross

The Mexican cross is one of the most characteristic symbols of Christian culture and religiosity. Although the symbol of the cross already appears in pre-Hispanic times, it is from the time of colonisation and Catholic evangelisation that its presence becomes predominant.

However, as with much of the Catholic religion in Latin America, the Mexican cross is the result of syncretism between European and Native American cultures.

The Mexican cross exchanges European and Spanish austerity for a joyful explosion of colours. In many parts of Mexico the cross is painted with bright colours and flowers, such as the painted crosses of Oaxaca or the lacquered wooden crosses of Chiapas del Corzo.

Similarly, the Mexican cross may incorporate the well-known Mexican milagritos or ex votos. Although the ex votos or milagritos were introduced by the Spaniards in Mexico, it is here that they are most popular and are still widely used today.

If you want to buy an authentic Mexican cross, you can find in our online catalogue a wide variety of crosses to choose from.

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